Friday, February 12, 2016

Lush - Oatifix Face Mask Review

Hi there,

You've probably stumbled upon this Lush - Oatifix Fresh Face Mask product review because you've watched my YouTube video, if not, feel free to check that out.

And well, if you haven't seen that, perhaps you've just managed to stumble upon this product review today. Nice to meet you, this is my 2nd blog, reserved for product reviews.

If you would like to visit my main blog, click here.

In my past product reviews, I've usually given out my rating of the product from a scale of 1 - 10, however, I've come to the conclusion that I would change that. I'm always going to be giving you a non-biased review of the featured product, I'll leave comprehensive details of every product. In doing so, rather then generalizing a product review solely based on my own skin conditions/reaction, I'm leaving each unique reader the opportunity to deem the product worth purchasing for their specific skin care needs or not.

In short. . The review is open to interpretation to anyone, based on my own experience and understanding of the featured product.

LUSH - Oatifix Fresh Face Mask 
LUSH - Oatifix Fresh Face Mask! As you can see, the texture is fairly thick and a filled with bits and pieces of grainy oats and banana.
The LUSH Philosophy states. .
"At LUSH our approach to skin care is a philosophy based on meeting individual needs, not to fit you into boxes. We want to care for YOUR skin and not simply write off all of its complexities with a regime."
It's quite nice to see that Lush isn't claiming a specified product that 'cures' everyone of their acne dilemma, on that note. . That's such an unethical claim, there isn't a single product that can cure everyone of acne, no "miracle" product exist - sorry. In my opinion, I would even consider it scam for a variety of reasons that I won't go in detail with. 

Long ago. . 

Far too long ago, before I need anything about skin care and cosmetic products, I once fell victim to an advertised "miracle" product. 

I won't mention the name of the product, although I'm certain many of you are aware of familiar with it. In short, I purchased a 90 day set and along with horrible results, contacting the company for various faults in extra shipments was a colossal headache. Truly ridiculous, the "miracle" product that is suppose to solve everyone's problem was far too harsh for my skin.

Let me tell you all this and by some chance this will spread throughout the world, it would prevent many people from falling victim (myself, for example) to these "miracle" products. 

If you're facing acne, know that you're not in this alone and that everyone else deals with acne at one point. Those  facing acne will often have sensitive skin, with that in mind. . How could there be a "miracle" product for acne that will treat everyone's unique skin? A product that insists on using a product that recommends daily exfoliating will further damage your skin in the long run. 

Pros/Cons: The Lush - Oatifix Face Mask is fairly messy, it's grainy and considerably thicker than most masks that I've encountered. I personally wouldn't repurchase it because of that, seems no matter how careful I am, certain defeat is evident (water around the sink, even when using exfoliating sponges)
  • The mask has a nice scent to it, definitely a wonderful idea for sensitive skin (since it's a vegan product too) 
  • Although fairly hydrating, I do feel that you could easily replicate the mask, especially since my mom had replicated the black sugar mask that Skinfood sells. 
  • I don't necessarily like the fact that the product has an early "best before" date, although the reason is because it's a fresh face mask. . You can't argue much there, even after it's "best before" use, I haven't encountered any problems and it works just as well. 
  • The scent is a pleasant aroma, however the hydrating effect isn't the strongest. . 
  • This product would be an instant hit if it was a car freshener, but I'm now quite certain it won't be back with me after I finish this mini tub.
  • Application is fairly rough too, I personally don't like tugging and pulling at my skin constantly. 
Hope you enjoyed the brief product review, trust me when I say that it pretty much sums up the problem. I don't love it, although I don't dislike it either. 

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Lush - Oatifix Face Mask video/Channel, click here.
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